Defending Human Rights
50plus Greece monitors social and political developments in order to exert pressure to defend the rights of older people and to combat age discrimination. We implement interventions at the political level (national and European), awareness campaigns, networking and cooperation with national and international bodies, and in programs. Detailed information can be found below:
The 10-day campaign "The value of time" in which 50plus Hellas, as an organisation for the defence of the rights of older people, encourages the public of all ages to remember and recognise all that older people give and hand over to younger people. Values, beliefs, memories, feelings, advice and wisdom, all drawn from their life and experience in this world.
A manifesto to MEPs. AGE Platform Europe calls on the European Parliament to adopt initiatives to protect the rights of European citizens of all ages.
Analysis of the situation of older people in Greece and how policies and practices have systematically contributed to the exclusion of older Greeks in many areas. Suggestions and ways to change the ageism of public authorities.
AGE PLATFORM EUROPE campaign for the rights of older people "Ageing Equal" Active ageing and intergenerational solidarity (2017)
Letter from 68 organisations to the Minister of Immigration and Asylum to improve the registration process of migration-related NGOs.
Invitation to the Ministry of Digital Governance for the development of strategies for the digital literacy of older people in our country
Text with the positions and proposals of 50 and Hellas for Active and Healthy Ageing (2019)
Questions to MEP candidates on their policies for older people
Questions to the candidates for councillors on their policies for older people
Greek MEPs are invited to support the Integrup on "Demographic Change and Solidarity between Generations" (2019)
Letter from 50plus Hellas to the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport in which the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport is asked to respond to the age discrimination arising from the law on the driving behaviour of drivers aged 74+ (2018)
Manifesto, which 50plus Hellas as an active member of AGE PLATFORM EUROPE promoted to the MEPs for their action during their term of office in the European Parliament with the aim of promoting friendly policies towards older people.
Greek MEPs are invited to support the re-establishment of the Integrup for "Active Ageing" including "Solidarity between Generations" 2012
Greek MEPs are invited to support the Intergroup on Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity (2009)
A programme to build a coalition of actors at national and European level for Well-being and Dignity in Older Age. A 'European Framework for Health and Long-Term Care' was developed as well as a 'Consultative Guide' for stakeholders.
Programme for the activation of the European identity of older people and their active participation in the European project (Active European Citizens of Older People).
European Charter of Rights and Responsibilities of Older People in Need of Care and Assistance.
The AGE/inc project examined in 2007 the situation of a variety of groups of older people suffering from poverty and/or social exclusion. It explored which groups have particular problems (Muslims, Gypsies, large rural communities) and made proposals for their inclusion.
International network to improve care for people with fragility fractures.
International Alliance for the Rights of Older Persons
European Network for Accessible Tourism
A network of non-profit organisations for and/or by people aged 50+, aiming to promote the interests of the 200 million Europeans over 50 and raise awareness of issues of concern to them. 50 and Greece has been an active member since 2006.
An alliance of 16 organisations for Wellbeing and Dignity for Older People under the Wellbeing and Dignity for Older People programme resulting in the addition of proposals to bills at national and European level.
A network of 18 European agencies to create a database on learning in older age.
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